
“Choice: Youth Empowerment” is a program on preventing risky behavior among adolescents of 13-14 years old. The Program is a result of creative combination of two other prevention programs: “Choice-8” and “Youth Empowerment Programme”.

The goal of the Program is assisting young people in making important decisions for benefits of their own future. As well the Program aims to create conditions that will help to develop and realize potential of youth for their own and society advantages.

Among the objectives of the “Choice: Youth Empowerment” are:

  • developing leadership and social skills;
  • respecting human dignity;
  • developing friendly relationship;
  • increasing motivation for healthy style of life;
  • decreasing negative feelings: boredom, deadlock, remoteness, anxiety, etc.

The “Choice: Youth Empowerment” includes 25 sessions, each lasting for 90 minutes. Session materials are available only in Ukrainian. Here are the names of the sessions.

  1. Introduction
  2. Communication skills
  3. Cooperation with parents
  4. Self-esteem
  5. Relationship with contemporaties: friends and healthy relationship
  6. Relationship with contemporaries: solving conflicts
  7. Relationship with contemporaries: overcoming pressure
  8. Gender relationship
  9. Responsible choice
  10. Risks
  11. What we know on drugs
  12. Be aware of crime
  13. HIV/AIDS: challenge and response
  14. Behavior in crisis situation
  15. Your future. Respect
  16. Norms of behavior
  17. My intentions and commitments
  18. Healthy food
  19. Environment
  20. Decision making skills
  21. Identification of projects
  22. Making a plan
  23. Planning, preparing and realization of projects
  24. Planning, preparing anda realization of projects
  25. Finalizing “Choice: Youth Empowerment”. Celebration