
Handbook for Students of “Choice-8”

In the frames of the project, “Effective Prevention” that is supported by the USA Embassy in Ukraine, the Prevention Center has just developed a new handbook for participants of the Prevention Program “Choice-8”. The interactive handbook will assists the 300 eighth-graders from Chernihiv, Donetsk and Odesa Regions in learning ten sessions of the “Choice-8” aiming […]

English, Schools

Space of Freedom

The informal leaders from Chernihiv School #20 have been actively using their micro project for benefits of their school. On the Day of Embroidered Shirt the leaders introduced relevant cultural  info for the school community.

English, Schools

Green City of Real Leaders

Informal leaders from the Chernihiv School #30 take care of the environment. They have been developing the area where they live and study. Particularly the leaders have planted many trees and bushes in the City Birch Tree Park.

English, Schools

Magic World of Future

The “Magic World of Future” is the micro project of the informal leader from Chernihiv School #18. Thanks to their initiative all students benefit of the project. School teachers use the “Magic World” for educational purposes.

English, Schools

Helping Animals

On 19 April 2019 leaders from the “Golden Team” visited a Veterinary Center. It is a part of their micro project that aims to help animals and local communities in making this world little bit better.

English, Schools

Care of Four-legged Friends

On 10 April 2019 a charity event was conducted at the Chernihiv School #30. The goal of the event is to take care of homeless animals. School teachers actively supported this initiative. It is continuation of the micro project, “Four-legged Friend”.

English, Schools

Teachers Reinforce the Golden Team

The teachers from the Chernihiv School #30 have joined the informal leaders in implementing micro projects: “Four-legged friend”, “Green City” and “Golden Team”. They assist the eighth-graders with achieving project goals and objectives.

English, Schools

Glory of Gymnasium is the Glory of Ukraine!

Victoria Ovcharenko, the Head of Chernihiv Humanitarian Gymnasium #31, supports the micro project #6, “Glory of Gymnasium – Glory of Ukraine”. The essence of this initiative is development of Gymnasium students as successful people who stand for Ukraine.  

English, Schools


Informal leaders from Chernihiv School #12 have initiated the project #1 – “Artstudio-12”. The goal of their initiative is to arrange a charity event, “Hand of Help” to collect humanitarian aid for those who are in need: refugees, boarding school children, low income families.

English, Schools